About Canewdon

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General information about Canewdon. Click other Canewdon icons for articles. We always welcome further stories, photos and other records as well as your comments on existing articles.

"A village on an eminence on the south side of the vale of the navigable river Crouch, four miles north-north-east of Rochford, commands a fine view over the vale, and of the battlefield of Ashingdon, where Canute the Dane contended with Edmund Ironside, and is said to have given his name to the place, where he kept his court." (from 'Survey of the Rochford Hundred in Essex 1866-67')

Here are some links we have found on the Internet. Please let us know of anything we might have missed:

Canewdon Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canewdon/

Canewdon Parish Council: http://www.essexinfo.net/canewdon-parish-council/

This page was added by Bob Stephen on 19/03/2012.
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The name Canewdon does not originate with Canute, it is somewhat older that that. It is in fact believed to be Saxon in origin, and derived from the Saxon name for the village ‘Caningadun’. The ‘dun’ at the end means hill, the ‘a’ probably denotes ownership and the ‘ing’ represents a personal name, in this case ‘Can’. So it is ‘Can’s hill’ or the hill of the Can’s people. Either way the name would suggest a settlement prior to its Saxon naming. The earliest reference to Canewdon goes back to 653AD when following St. Cedd’s mission from Lindisfarne to Essex in about 653AD, after ministers had been established at Bradwell-on-Sea and Tilbury, the Gospel was then carried from Bradwell to Canewdon and by this time Canewdon was already a fortified site. So what fortifications were there at Canewdon in 653? Well I do have a theory, but that is another story.

By B Meldon
On 17/09/2013
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